V tomto podcaste sa vrátime k Dunning-Kruger efektu na podnet poslucháča, povieme si o termoregulačných schopnostiach húb, čo vedci objavili v starovekom záchode a porovnáme si lúčny a bežný anglický trávnik.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 42:49 — 29.4MB)
Pseudocast 610 na YouTubeZdroje
- Unskilled and Unaware of It: How Difficulties in Recognizing One’s Own Incompetence Lead to Inflated Self-Assessments
- Sebevědomí, nesoudní, nekompetentní: Dunningův–Krugerův efekt byl zpochybněn
- Using a Concept Inventory to Assess the Reasoning Component of Citizen-Level Science Literacy: Results from a 17,000-Student Study
- How Random Noise and a Graphical Convention Subverted Behavioral Scientists‘ Explanations of Self-Assessment Data: Numeracy Underlies Better Alternatives
- Debunking the Dunning-Kruger effect – the least skilled people know how much they don’t know, but everyone thinks they are better than average
- Mushrooms Seem to Be Able to Regulate Their Own Temperature
- Oldest traces of a dysentery-causing parasite were found in ancient toilets
- Lamblie střevní
- Urban wildflower meadow planting for biodiversity, climate and society: An evaluation at King’s College, Cambridge
Myslím, že ide o preklep. Pokosená tráva vysoká 350 mm = 35 cm (?!), takú kosačku by som rád videl. Aj tých „mladších“ študentov, čo si idú poležať do trávy pokosenej na výšku 35 cm.