V tomto podcaste si čosi povieme o stimulácii mozgu elektrikou a či nám to pomôže lepšie hrať počítačové hry, ďalej o pláne vedcov spomaliť šírenie malárie za pomoci geneticky modifikovaných komárov a či je svetlo pomalšie ako sme si doteraz mysleli alebo či sa Einstein pomýlil pri výpočtoch.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 1:01:50 — 28.3MB)
[tabs] [tab title=“Témy“] 00:00 Intro00:25 tCDS (Transcranial direct-current stimulation – Stimulácia mozgu elektrikou)
22:40 GMO komáre
38:36 Je svetlo pomalšie ako sme si mysleli?
50:51 Fakt a fikcia
1:00:36 Outro [/tab] [tab title=“Zdroje“]
- Transcranial direct current stimulation: State of the art 2008
- Electrified minds: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) as methods of non-invasive brain stimulation in neuropsychology—A review of current data and future implications
- 9-Volt Nirvana
- GM lab mosquitoes may aid malaria fight
- Can genetically modified mosquitoes wipe out malaria?
- Could malaria be wiped out by GM mosquitoes? Scientists find a way to kill off disease-carrying female of the species
- Physicist suggests speed of light might be slower than thought
- Vacuum polarization
- SN 1987A
- Franson’s „breakthrough“ concerning the speed of light
- Apparent correction to the speed of light in a gravitational potential
- How is fat used up during starvation, if you took a 500 pound guy and starved him to death, would he lose all that weight first?
- Contribution of Excessive Alcohol Consumption to Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost in the United States
- Deepak Chopra issues a hilarious “challenge” to James Randi over consciousness
mate tam chybne oznacene to outro ma to zacat az 1:01:45
touto cestou zdravime jedineho posluchaca co pretaca na outro =)
saq intro a outro je dolezite…kto by uz pocuval ten blabol medzitym?
..nie, bohužial nebol jediný
uz by to malo byt fixnute