V tomto podcaste budeme hovoriť o tom, či a nakoľko to majú pekní ľudia v živote ľahšie, o vhodnosti surovej BARF stravy pre našich psíkov a o tom, či raz budeme nabíjať zariadenia zbytkovým WiFi signálom.
Podcast: Stiahnut (Dlzka: 1:10:34 — 32.3MB)
[tabs] [tab title=“Témy“] 00:00 Intro01:12 Majú to pekní ľudia v živote ľahšie?
09:31 Mali by sme kŕmiť domáce zvieratá surovou stravou?
32:28 Môžme nabíjať zariadenia zbytkovým WiFi signálom?
47:58 Fakt alebo fikcia
1:09:04 Outro [/tab] [tab title=“Zdroje“]
- The undermining effect of facial attractiveness on brain responses to fairness in the Ultimatum Game: an ERP study
- Here’s More Evidence That Good-Looking People Can Get Away With Anything
- FDA & CDC find raw pet food unpalatable
- Powering the Next Billion Devices with Wi-Fi
- A camera has successfully been powered using spare Wi-Fi signals
- France Loses Enthusiasm for Nuclear Power
- Is marriage good or bad for the figure?
- Using muons from cosmic rays to find fraying infrastructure